§ 42-116-29 Inapplicability of certainlaws. (a) The corporation is authorized and empowered to acquire and to dispose ofreal property without the necessity of obtaining the approval of the stateproperties committee or otherwise complying with the provisions of chapter 6 oftitle 37.
(b) Nothing in this statute or in the activities of thecorporation constitutes a state mandate within the meaning of § 45-13-7,et seq.
(c) Employees of the corporation are not, by reason of thatemployment, deemed to be employees of the state for any purpose, any otherprovision of the general laws to the contrary notwithstanding, includingwithout limiting the generality of the foregoing, titles 28 and 36.
(d) Neither the corporation nor its board of directors areexempt from the provisions of chapter 2 of title 38, or chapter 46 of thistitle.
(e) The corporation establishes internal purchasingprocedures consistent with the provisions of chapter 2 of title 37.
(f) The corporation is authorized and empowered to acquirethe assets of an eligible institution, dispose of those assets, and assumeliabilities of an eligible institution without the necessity of complying withthe provisions of title 37.