§ 42-116-39 Payment of commission costs. (a) From time to time, after submission to the corporation by the commission ofproperly authenticated invoices for commission costs, together with otherdocumentation substantiating and describing in detail as the corporation mayreasonably request and after review by the auditor general, the corporationshall pay or cause to be paid the approved commission costs, but in no eventshall the corporation pay or be liable for commission costs and expenses in theaggregate of no more than three million eight hundred thousand dollars($3,800,000). The corporation is entitled to obtain, have access to, and use inits absolute discretion all materials, documents, instruments, investigations,data, information, and knowledge obtained, provided for or produced inconnection with the work of the commission and has the right to employ for itsown purposes the services of any of the accountants, consultants, orinvestigators employed by the commission at its own expense.
(b) The corporation is subrogated to all rights, claims, andcauses of action which the commission may have against any person who performsservices or supplies goods to the commission. Nothing in this section, however,shall be deemed to grant to the corporation any right to direct or control theactivities of the commission.