§ 42-116-8 Officers. (a) An executive director, who shall be a person professionally skilled andexperienced in law, finance, or public administration, shall be appointed bythe board of directors. An executive director may be removed at any time forcause by the board. The executive director shall administer the affairs of thecorporation, including, without limiting the generality of the foregoingmatters, contracting, asset administration, personnel and administration, underthe supervision of the board in accordance with those authorizations that theboard may from time to time reasonably adopt and continue in force. The boardmay also appoint persons to hold the offices of secretary and the treasurer tothe corporation, including assistant secretaries and assistant treasurers inwhom may be vested any of the powers of the secretary and the treasurer,respectively, or may appoint a director or employee of the corporation toexercise those duties. The secretary shall be the custodian of the seal and ofthe books and records of the corporation and shall keep a record of theproceedings of the board of directors. The secretary may cause copies to bemade of all minutes and other records and documents of the corporation and maygive certificates under its official seal to the effect that the copies aretrue copies and all persons dealing with the corporation may rely upon thesecertificates. The treasurer has charge of the books of account and accountingrecords of the corporation and is responsible under the supervision of theexecutive director for financial control for the corporation. Upon therecommendation of the executive director, the board shall also appoint andestablish compensation, benefits, and other terms of employment for otherofficers and employees of the corporation that it deems reasonable andnecessary. Officers and employees of the corporation, other than the executivedirector, serve at the pleasure of the board or under contracts of employment;provided, however, that no contract of employment, except for that of theexecutive director, exceeds a term of three (3) years, which may be renewedupon the expiration for successive terms. No person employed by the board issubject to the provisions of the classified service.
(b) Present or past directors, officers, employees, or agentsof the corporation may be indemnified by the corporation to the extent allowedby and in accordance with the indemnification provisions applicable tononprofit corporations pursuant to § 7-6-6. The corporation shall be apublic body for purposes of § 9-1-31.1.