§ 42-119-4 Selection criteria. The commission shall be appointed in the following manner:
(1) The governor shall appoint twelve (12) members for three(3) year terms on a staggered basis with four (4) appointed each year. Termsshall be effective July 1;
(2) The president of the senate shall appoint three (3)senators, not more than two (2) from the same political party;
(3) The speaker of the house shall appoint three (3)representatives, not more than two (2) from the same political party;
(4) Consistent with the purpose, the commission shalldesignate eight (8) state department directors who shall each appoint onecommissioner for a three (3) year term on a staggered basis effective July 1;
(5) Reappointments can be made and any vacancies shall befilled consistent with initial appointments. All appointees shall have acommitment to working with issues relating to women.