§ 42-12.3-15 Expansion of RIte trackprogram. The Department of Human Services is hereby authorized and directed to submit tothe United States Department of Health and Human Services an amendment to the"RIte Care" waiver project number 11-W-0004/1-01 to provide for expandedMedicaid coverage for children until they reach eight (8) years of age, whosefamily income levels are to two hundred fifty percent (250%) of the federalpoverty level. Expansion of the RIte track program from the age of six (6)until they reach eighteen (18) years of age in accordance with this chaptershall be subject to the approval of the amended waiver by the United StatesDepartment of Health and Human Services. Health care coverage under thissection shall also be provided to a non-citizen child lawfully residing in theUnited States, and who is otherwise eligible for such assistance under titleXIX [42 U.S.C. § 1396 et seq.] or title XXI [42 U.S.C.§ 1397 et seq.]