§ 42-12.3-9 Insurance coverage Third party insurance. (a) No payment will be made nor service provided in the RIte Start or RIteTrack program with respect to any health care that is covered or would becovered, by any employee welfare benefit plan under which a woman or child iseither covered or eligible to be covered either as an employee or dependent,whether or not coverage under such plan is elected.
(b) A premium may be charged for participation in the RIteTrack or RIte Start programs for eligible individuals whose family incomes arein excess of two hundred fifty percent (250%) of the federal poverty level andwho have voluntarily terminated health care insurance within one year of thedate of application for benefits under this chapter.
(c) Every family who is eligible to participate in the RIteTrack program, who has an additional child who because of age is not eligiblefor RIte Track, or whose child becomes ineligible for RIte Track because of hisor her age, may be offered by the managed care provider with whom the family isenrolled, the opportunity to enroll such ineligible child or children in thesame managed care program on a self-pay basis at the same cost, charge orpremium as is being charged to the state under the provisions of this chapterfor other covered children within the managed care program. The family may alsopurchase a package of enhanced services at the same cost or charge to thedepartment.