§ 42-12.4-9 Demonstration implementationtaskforce. (a) Purpose. The general assembly is committed to a public participatoryprocess to implement Medicaid reform through the demonstration. To assure sucha process, following final acceptance of the demonstration by the state, theexecutive office of health and human service and the department of humanservices shall establish a demonstration implementation taskforce. Thetaskforce shall work collaboratively with the executive office of health andhuman services and the department of human services to plan, design, andimplement changes to the Medicaid program under the demonstration and toevaluate the impact of such changes and of the demonstration.
(b) Chair. The taskforce shall be co-chaired by asenior state official of EOHHS/DHS and a member of the community who isknowledgeable about the Medicaid program and the populations and services itfunds in Rhode Island as well as with the provisions of the demonstration.
(c) Taskforce composition. There are distinctpopulations that receive services funded through the Medicaid programincluding: children and youth with special health care needs, adults andchildren with developmental disabilities, adults with serious and persistentmental illness and/or addiction disorders and children with severe emotionaldisturbance, adults with disabilities, adults age sixty-five (65) and older andlow-income children and families. It is the intent of the general assembly thatthe taskforce includes members who are knowledgeable about the needs of thesepopulations and the services currently provided to them.
Members of the taskforce shall be appointed by director ofthe department of human services. The membership shall include: for eachdistinct population two (2) consumers or family members of consumers, onemember of an advocacy organization and one member of a policy organization; arepresentative from organizations that either provide or represent entitiesthat provide services to Medicaid beneficiaries including, but not limited to,health plans, hospitals community health centers, community mental healthorganizations, licensed substance abuse treatment providers, licensed healthcare practitioners, nursing facilities, and home and community-based serviceproviders.
Total membership shall not exceed forty-five (45)individuals. The executive office of health and human services/department ofhuman services shall provide necessary staff support to effectively operate thetaskforce.
(d) Duration. The taskforce shall remain in effect solong as the demonstration is in effect.
(e) Meeting frequency and relationship to the permanent jointcommittee of the demonstration compact:
The taskforce shall meet no less than monthly and shallreport on its activities to the permanent joint committee of the demonstrationcompact established pursuant to § 42-12.4-5. The permanent joint committeeshall appoint a member to serve as a liaison to the taskforce.