§ 42-12-16 Acceptance of amendments tofederal act Custody of funds. The state of Rhode Island hereby accepts the provisions of chapter 190, PublicLaw 113, 78th Congress, which amends the act entitled "An Act to Provide forThe Promotion of Vocational Rehabilitation of Persons Disabled in Industry orOtherwise and Their Return to Civil Employment," approved June 2, 1920, asamended, and for other purposes, and designates the state department of humanservices as a state agency for administering in Rhode Island the provisions ofthat act. The general treasurer is hereby designated as custodian of federalfunds paid to the state of Rhode Island under the provisions of chapter 190,Public Law 113, and shall make payments from those funds upon receipt by him orher of proper vouchers or orders approved by the executive officer of the statedepartment of human services and the state controller.