§ 42-12-23 Child care Planning andcoordinating. (a) The department of human services shall be the principal agency of the statefor the planning and coordination of state involvement in the area of childcare. To accomplish this purpose, the department's duties shall includesubmitting an annual report to the governor and the general assembly on thestatus of child care in Rhode Island.
(b) The annual report of the department shall include, butnot be limited to, the following information:
(1) The amount of state and federal funds spent on child carein each of the two (2) preceding years;
(2) The number of child care providers licensed pursuant tothe provisions of chapter 72.1 of this title;
(3) The number of children served in state subsidizedprograms;
(4) The number of taxpayers who have claimed the child careassistance and development tax credit pursuant to chapter 47 of title 44;
(5) The average cost for both infant and preschool childcare;
(6) An estimate of unmet needs for child care;
(7) Information on child care staff salaries and training andeducation programs, and
(8) Recommendations for any changes in child care publicpolicy.
(c) The department shall cooperate with the unit of thedepartment of children, youth, and families which licenses and monitors childcare providers pursuant to the terms of chapter 72.1 of this title.
(d) The department is hereby charged with the responsibilityof assuring that a statewide child care resource and referral system exists inthis state to provide services and consumer information to assist parents inlocating and choosing licensed, approved and/or certified providers, and tomaintain data necessary for such referrals.