§ 42-12-24 Development, innovation andstart-up of early education and care programs. (a) The general assembly shall annually appropriate to the department of humanservices such funds as it deems necessary to enable the department to developand expand availability of child care providers and programs. The developmentand expansion of child care providers and programs shall include, withoutlimitation, the development of innovative start-up arrangements linked to smallbusinesses, the development of programs and providers in geographicallyunderserved areas, and the establishment of before and after school programswith priority to be given by the department to programs linked to schools, toinfant/toddler programs, programs related to child opportunity zone familycenters, and programs that serve children with special health needs ordevelopmental risks. Funds may be used for start up costs which may includebuilding, rehabilitation or construction costs.
(b) The director of the department of human services isfurther authorized to request such appropriation for each state fiscal year ashe or she deems necessary to carry out the program and purposes of this section.