§ 42-12-26 Expansion and enhancement ofearly education and care for low-income children. (a) The general assembly shall annually appropriate such funds as it deemsnecessary to enable the department of human services to establish a programwhose express purposes are:
(i) To increase the numbers of eligible children in existingHead Start program, especially in underserved areas; and
(ii) To increase resources to child care providers for theenhancement of services to low income children. Enhancement of services shallinclude social services, health, mental health, nutrition service, parentinvolvement and transition services for children entering kindergarten.
(b) The director of the department of human services isfurther authorized to request such appropriation for each state fiscal year ashe or she deems necessary to carry out the programs and purposes of thissection.
(c) A panel comprised of the members of the children'scabinet and five (5) members of the public, to be chosen by the chairperson ofthe children's cabinet, shall be responsible for determining how the fundsprescribed in this section shall be allocated; and shall by May 1, 1999establish the methodology of enhancing comprehensive services in child careprograms serving low income children and establish the numbers of additionalHead Start slots in underserved areas to be funded; provided, however, thatpriority shall be given in the allocation of funds to applicants who servechildren in underserved communities; who integrate children with special needs;who collaborate with existing early education and care programs and otherexisting services including child opportunity zone family centers, schools andagencies providing health, mental health, nutrition and social services; andwho address the child care needs of the families to be served.