§ 42-12-29 Children's health account. (a) There is created within the general fund a restricted receipt account to beknown as the "children's health account". All money in the account shall beutilized by the department of human services to effectuate coverage for homehealth services, CEDARR services, and children's intensive services (CIS). Allmoney received pursuant to this section shall be deposited in the children'shealth account. The general treasurer is authorized and directed to draw his orher orders on the account upon receipt of properly authenticated vouchers fromthe department of human services.
(b) Beginning in the fiscal year 2007, each insurer licensedor regulated pursuant to the provisions of chapters 18, 19, 20, and 41 of title27 shall be assessed for the purposes set forth in this section. The departmentof human services shall make available to each insurer, upon its request,information regarding the department of human services child health program andthe costs related to the program. Further, the department of human servicesshall submit to the general assembly an annual report on the program and costrelated to the program, on or before February 1 of each year. Annualassessments shall be based on direct premiums written in the year prior to theassessment and shall not include any Medicare Supplement Policy (as defined in§ 27-18-2.1(g)), Medicare managed care, Medicare, Federal Employees HealthPlan, Medicaid/RIte Care or dental premiums. As to accident and sicknessinsurance, the direct premium written shall include, but is not limited to,group, blanket, and individual policies. Those insurers assessed greater thanfive hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) for the year shall be assessed four(4) quarterly payments of twenty-five percent (25%) of their total assessment.Beginning July 1, 2006, the annual rate of assessment shall be determined bythe director of human services in concurrence with the primary payors, thosebeing insurers likely to be assessed at greater than five hundred thousanddollars ($500,000). The director of the department of human services shalldeposit that amount in the "children's health account". The assessment shall beused solely for the purposes of the "children's health account" and no other.
(c) Any funds collected in excess of funds needed to carryout the programs shall be deducted from the subsequent year's assessment.
(d) The total annual assessment on all insurers shall beequivalent to the amount paid by the department of human services for suchservices, as listed in subsection (a), but not to exceed five thousand dollars($5,000) per child per service per year.
(e) The children's health account shall be exempt from theindirect cost recovery provisions of § 35-4-27 of the general laws.