§ 42-12-30 Expenditures under thetraumatic brain injury program. Expenditures of the assessments under the traumatic brain injury program shallbe for the following purposes:
(1) As the payor of last resort for individuals who haveexhausted all other health or rehabilitation benefit funding services forservices covered under this section.
(2) Services including, but not limited to: case management;cognitive rehabilitation; transitional living; structured day programs;assistive technology services; devices and equipment; transportation; housing;neuropsychological evaluations; behavioral health treatment; substance abusetreatment; respite; and other services and/or assistance as deemed appropriateby the commission for individuals with traumatic brain injury to accomplish asuccessful re-entry and maintenance in the community.
(3) Grants to community-based programs, private providers andmunicipal governments for the purpose of expanding or developing servicestargeted for individuals with brain injuries as well as for system developmentand maintenance. Such grants shall be awarded only after consultation with thecommission and pursuant to the criteria developed jointly by that body, thedepartment of human services, the department of health and the department ofmental health, retardation and hospitals.
(4) Funding for public information and prevention educationand for the continuation of the resource center coordinated by the Brain InjuryAssociation of Rhode Island.