§ 42-124-2 Purpose. (a) The purpose of the commission is to study and to assess the subject ofComparable Worth/Pay Equity in public and private employment in the state ofRhode Island. Rhode Island recognizes the generally acceptable pay equitypolicies, which guarantee that people will receive the same salary forcomparable worth. This study shall determine whether there is evidence tosuggest that the female dominated class of employees are under compensated incomparison to the male dominated class of employees where the composite valueof skill effort, responsibility, interpersonal skills, accountability andworking conditions are comparable.
(b) The commission shall report its findings andrecommendations with respect to state government employment to the generalassembly on or before June 30, 1994, and annually thereafter, and shall reportits findings and recommendations with respect to municipal government andprivate sector employment on or before February 10, 1996, and annuallythereafter.