§ 42-125-5.1 Terms, quorums, vacancies,and removal of members. During the month of January in each year, the governor shall appoint a memberto succeed the departing member. The newly appointed member will serve for aterm of three (3) years commencing on the first day of February. The members ofthe council shall be eligible to succeed themselves. Members shall serve untiltheir successors are appointed and qualified. Any vacancy which may occur inthe council shall be filled by the governor, for the remainder of the unexpiredterm in the same manner as the members predecessor as described in §42-125-5. Four (4) members of the council shall constitute a quorum. A majorityvote of those present and voting shall be required for action. No vacancy inthe membership of the council shall impair the right of quorum to exercise allof the rights and perform all of the duties of the council. Members of thecouncil shall be removable by the governor prior to the expiration of a termfor cause only, and removal solely for partisan or personal reasons unrelatedto capacity or fitness for the office shall be unlawful.