§ 42-128.1-10 Right to housing where leadhazards are corrected. (a) Pregnant women and families with children under six (6) years of age shallbe deemed to have a right to housing in which lead hazards have been mitigatedor abated.
(b) Injunctive Relief. Effective November 1, 2005, ifthe property owner of a rental dwelling fails to comply with such standards forlead hazard mitigation, or abatement, as applicable, a right of private actionshall exist that allows households that include an at risk occupant to seekinjunctive relief from a court with jurisdiction against the property owner inthe form of a court order to compel compliance with requirements for leadhazard control or mitigation. A person who prevails is entitled to an award ofthe costs of the litigation and reasonable attorneys' fees in an amount to befixed by the court. Cases brought before the court under this section shall begranted an accelerated hearing.