§ 42-128.1-2 Legislative findings. The general assembly finds and declares that:
(1) Rhode Island's rental housing stock is older and leadhazards are widespread;
(2) There has been an insufficient level of lead hazardabatement in Rhode Island's rental housing stock;
(3) Children in Rhode Island, especially in older urbancommunities, have been victims of lead poisoning at disproportionately highrates;
(4) During the 1990's meeting department of health leadhazard abatement standards has ranged between seven thousand dollars ($7,000)and fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000) per unit;
(5) The combination of the high cost of meeting the abatementstandards and the system of incentives available for rental property owners inRhode Island resulted in few properties being improved to state standards as aconsequence of voluntary activity by property owners; and
(6) The US Department of Housing and Urban Development haspromulgated regulations for lead hazard control that apply to housing that isfederally assisted and require inspections with dust testing.