§ 42-128.2-1 Findings. The general assembly finds and declares that:
(a) The availability of affordable housing is a criticalconcern to the current well-being and the future prosperity of the people ofRhode Island;
(b) All towns in Rhode Island, with an obligation to do so,have adopted affordable housing plans as required by chapters 286 and 324 ofthe public laws of 2004;
(c) The housing resources commission in conjunction with thestatewide planning program has adopted a strategic plan for affordable housingas required by "The Comprehensive Housing Production and Rehabilitation Act of2004;"
(d) The people of Rhode Island in 2006 approved a bond issueto support the development of affordable housing in the state; and
(e) The slowness and uncertainty of securing permits andregulatory approval from state agencies can impair the viability of affordablehousing development, make such development more expensive, and can jeopardizefederal and other monies.