§ 42-13-1 Establishment Head ofdepartments Powers. (a) There shall be a department of transportation. The head of the departmentshall be the director of transportation, appointed by the governor with theadvice and consent of the senate, who shall carry out the provisions of thischapter and, except as otherwise provided by this title, the provisions ofchapters 2 and 4 of title 1; chapters 8 and 10 of title 24; chapter 13 of title31; chapter 12 of title 37; and of all other general laws heretofore carriedout by the director of public works and the department of public works, theRhode Island turnpike and bridge authority, and the council on highway safety.The director shall also be responsible for preparation of short-range plans,project plans, and implementation programs for transportation; for port andwaterways facilities where the principal purpose is transportation andmanagement of port properties, warehouses, and state piers which functionprimarily as transportation facilities; and for maintaining an adequate levelof rail passenger and freight services, including the administration of anyfinancial or technical assistance which may be made available to operators ofrailroad transportation facilities; provided, however, that all contracts forthe construction, reconstruction, maintenance, and repairs of all public roadsand bridges, public buildings and all other properties of the state government,and the purchase of all equipment, materials, and supplies used in accordancetherewith shall be negotiated by the purchasing agent in the department ofadministration.
(b) The director shall adopt and promulgate state regulationswhich will set standards for future state construction and maintenance ofsidewalks and curbs, in a manner which will make the use of the sidewalks moreeasily accessible to people who are disabled. The director shall adopt andpromulgate a procedure to process all claims pursuant to § 24-8-35, fordamages to motor vehicles caused by potholes on state highways and in allinstances have the final determination as to the merits of each claim.
(c) The director shall promulgate and adopt regulations whichwill prohibit any contractors who have been convicted of fraud, bid-rigging, ora violation of any state or federal antitrust law from bidding on anyconstruction projects administered by the department for a period of five (5)years from the date of any of the above convictions.