§ 42-133-3 Definitions. As used in this chapter, the following words and terms shall have the followingmeanings unless the context shall indicate another or different meaning orintent:
(1) "Board" means the governing body of the corporation.
(2) "Bonds" means bonds, notes (but only as provided in§ 42-133-8(6)(e)), or other evidences of indebtedness of the corporation,all of which shall be in all events payable solely from and secured solely bysuch portion of the state's tobacco receipts as are sold to the corporation andpledged to secure the bonds, and issued pursuant to the authorizationscontained in this chapter, all of which shall be issued under the name of orknown as obligations of the corporation.
(3) "Corporation" means the corporation authorized, created,and established pursuant to this chapter.
(4) "Escrow" means the escrow as that term is defined in themaster settlement agreement.
(5) "Escrow agent" means the escrow agent as that term isdefined in the master settlement agreement.
(6) "Independent auditor" means the independent auditor asthat term is defined in the master settlement agreement.
(7) "Master settlement agreement" means the settlementagreement and related documents entered into on November 23, 1998, by the stateand the four (4) principal United States tobacco product manufacturers, asamended and supplemented.
(8) "Participating manufacturers" means the participatingmanufacturers as that term is defined in the master settlement agreement.
(9) "Qualifying statute" means chapter 71 of title 23 enactedMarch 30, 2001 and applied retroactively to June 29, 1999, in conformity withexhibit T of the master settlement agreement.
(10) "State" means the state of Rhode Island and ProvidencePlantations.
(11) "State's tobacco receipts" means all of the payments tobe made by the escrow agent and derived from payments made by the participatingmanufacturers and allocated to the state under the master settlement agreement,other than pursuant to Article XVII of the master settlement agreement.