§ 42-137-2 Commission created Composition. (a) There is hereby created the Select Commission on Race and Police-CommunityRelations, hereinafter called the "select commission."
(b) The select commission shall consist of fifteen (15)members:
(1) The attorney general, or designee;
(2) The superintendent of the state police, or designee;
(3) The chief of police of the Providence police department,or designee;
(4) The president of the Rhode Island Police Chiefs'Association, or designee;
(5) The president of the Statewide Fraternal Order of Police,or designee;
(6) The president of the International Brotherhood of PoliceOfficers, or designee;
(7) The president of the Rhode Island Minority PoliceAssociation, or designee, and the President of the Rhode Island HispanicOfficers Association, or designee;
(8) The president of the NAACP, New England Area Conference,or designee;
(9) The president of the Urban League of Rhode Island, ordesignee;
(10) Three (3) members appointed by the governor from civic,interfaith, and/or community service organizations;
(11) One member appointed by the governor from a list ofnames submitted by the president of the senate;
(12) One member appointed by the governor from a list ofnames submitted by the speaker of the house of representatives.
(c) The attorney general, superintendent of state police, andchief of police of the Providence police department are ex officio members withfull voting rights and privileges, and each may send, in his or her place, adesignated representative to a meeting and/or meetings. If the designation ismade in writing, the representative shall have full voting privileges.
(d) The members of the select commission shall serve two (2)year terms and shall be eligible for reappointment. In the event a vacancyarises it must be filled within thirty (30) days for the remainder of the termin the manner of the original appointment or designation.