§ 42-139-6 Financial reports. (a) Every person, corporation, or association that engages any person to act asa lobbyist concerning executive or public corporation matters, and thelobbyist, shall individually file with the secretary of state a complete anddetailed report of all compensation paid to the lobbyist for lobbying, and allcampaign contributions in excess of one hundred dollars ($100) or more to stateand municipal elected officials and state political action committees. Thereport shall include the total amount expended for lobbying purposes, and anitemization of any expenditure, gift, or honorarium of twenty-five dollars($25.00) or more for each occurrence paid or incurred by the person,corporation, or association or lobbyist for the specific purpose of promotingor opposing in any manner action by members of the executive branch or ofpublic corporations. These reports shall include the names of the personsreceiving or in whose behalf the expenditures have been made, and the reason,time, and place of the expenditures.
(b) The initial report shall be filed by the person,corporation, or association having engaged any person to act as a lobbyist andby the lobbyist at the time of their initial registration, and updated reportsshall be filed with the secretary of state semi-annually. The updated reportsshall be filed no later than thirty (30) days after the end of each reportingperiod or if earlier, after the termination of the lobbyist's engagement, andshall include expenditures for the period from January 1 through June 30, andJuly through December 31, respectively or, if earlier, through the date oftermination of the lobbyist's engagement.
(c) All reports shall be on a form prescribed by thesecretary of state, and the reports shall be open for public inspection.
(d) In the event no compensation has been paid or received,and no expenses have been paid or incurred, an annual statement to that effectmay be filed with the secretary of state in lieu of the report form.