§ 42-14.2-4 Application for license. Application for license shall be made to the department upon the formprescribed by it. The department may require in the application or otherwiseinformation relating to the location at which the business is to be conducted,the nature of the business, the name and residence of the applicant; if theapplicant is a partnership, the name and residence of each partner; and if theapplicant is a corporation, the names and residences of its principal officersand directors. The department may further require information relating to theapplicant's financial status, his or her business integrity, whether theapplicant has complied with chapter 21 of title 5, and whether the applicantconforms to all local ordinances pertaining to and governing the operation ofauto wrecking and salvage yards, and any other pertinent information, all ofwhich may be considered by the department in determining whether the grantingof the application is in the public interest. Every application shall beverified by the oath or affirmation of the applicant, if an individual, or byone of the partners if the applicant is a partnership, or by an officer of thecorporation if the applicant is a corporation, and shall be accompanied by therequired fee.