§ 42-14-16 Insurance Administrativepenalties. (a) Whenever the director shall have cause to believe that a violation of title27 and/or chapters 14, 14.5, 62 or 128.1 of title 42 or the regulationspromulgated thereunder has occurred by a licensee, or any person or entityconducting any activities requiring licensure under title 27, the director may,in accordance with the requirements of the Administrative Procedures Act,chapter 35 of this title:
(1) Revoke or suspend a license;
(2) Levy an administrative penalty in an amount not less thanone hundred dollars ($100) nor more than fifty thousand dollars ($50,000);
(3) Order the violator to cease such actions;
(4) Require the licensee or person or entity conducting anyactivities requiring licensure under title 27 to take such actions as arenecessary to comply with title 27 and/or chapters 14, 14.5, 62, or 128.1 oftitle 42, or the regulations thereunder; or
(5) Any combination of the above penalties.
(b) Any monetary penalties assessed pursuant to this sectionshall be as general revenues.