§ 42-14-16.1 Order to cease and desist. (a) If the director has reason to believe that any person, firm, corporation orassociation is conducting any activities requiring licensure under title 27without obtaining a license, or who after the denial, suspension or revocationof a license conducts any activities requiring licensure under title 27, thedepartment may issue its order to that person, firm, corporation or associationcommanding them to appear before the department at a hearing to be held nosooner than ten (10) days nor later than twenty (20) days after issuance ofthat order to show cause why the department should not issue an order to thatperson to cease and desist from the violation of the provisions of title 27.
(b) The order to show cause may be served on any person,firm, corporation or association named in the order in the same manner thatsummons in a civil action may be served, or by mailing a copy of the order,certified mail, return receipt requested, to that person at any address atwhich he or she has done business or at which he or she lives. If, upon thathearing, the department is satisfied that the person is in fact violating anyprovision of title 27, then the department may order that person, in writing,to cease and desist from that violation.
(c) All hearings shall be governed in accordance with chapter35 of this title, the "Administrative Procedures Act." If that person fails tocomply with an order of the department after being afforded a hearing, thesuperior court in Providence county has jurisdiction upon complaint of thedepartment to restrain and enjoin that person from violating this chapter.