§ 42-14-18 Form and rate filing fees. The following fees shall be charged for the services of the division ofinsurance in reviewing policy or certificate forms, as those terms are definedin § 27-29-2(f), and related forms and rates that are required by law tobe submitted by insurers, as that term is defined in § 27-29-2(e), forreview and approval by the director prior to use:
(1) For each policy or certificate form included in a singlepackage, including any related forms, rates, and other documents submitted inthe same package forty dollars ($40.00); and
(2) For related forms or revised rates in connection with apolicy that has been previously approved, submitted in a single package,charged based upon the number of policies involved twenty-five dollars($25.00).
(3) Fees shall be submitted with each filing and shall bedeposited as general revenue. These fees shall be in addition to any taxes andfees otherwise payable to the state.
(4) Before any form approved pursuant to chapter 27-2.5 maybe used in the state of Rhode Island, the fees specified in this section mustbe paid.