§ 42-14-2 Functions of department. (a) It shall be the function of the department of business regulation:
(1) To regulate and control banking and insurance, foreignsurety companies, sale of securities, building and loan associations, fraternalbenefit and beneficiary societies;
(2) To regulate and control the manufacture, transportation,possession, and sale of alcoholic beverages;
(3) To license and regulate the manufacture and sale ofarticles of bedding, upholstered furniture, and filling materials.
(b) Whenever any hearing is required or permitted to be heldpursuant to law or regulation of the department of business regulation, andwhenever no statutory provision exists providing that notice be given tointerested parties prior to the hearing, no such hearing shall be held withoutnotice in writing being given at least ten (10) days prior to such hearing toall interested parties. For purposes of this section, an "interested party"shall be deemed to include the party subject to regulation hereunder, the RhodeIsland consumers' council, and any party entitled to appear at the hearing.Notice to the party that will be subject to regulation, the Rhode Islandconsumers' council [Repealed], and any party who has made known hisor her intention to appear at the hearing shall be sufficient if it be inwriting and mailed, first class mail, to the party at his or her regularbusiness address. Notice to the general public shall be sufficient hereunder ifit be by publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the municipalityaffected by the regulation.