§ 42-14-5 Administrator of banking andinsurance. (a) The director of business regulation shall, in addition to his or herregular duties, act as administrator of banking and insurance and shalladminister the functions of the department relating to the regulation andcontrol of banking and insurance, foreign surety companies, sale of securities,building and loan associations, and fraternal benefit and beneficiary societies.
(b) Wherever the words "banking administrator" or "insuranceadministrator" occur in this chapter or any general law, public law, act, orresolution of the general assembly or department regulation, they shall beconstrued to mean banking commissioner and insurance commissioner except asdelineated in subsection (d) below.
(c) "Health insurance" shall mean "health insurancecoverage," as defined in §§ 27-18.5-2 and 27-18.6-2, "health benefitplan," as defined in § 27-50-3 and a "medical supplement policy," asdefined in § 27-18.2-1 or coverage similar to a Medicare supplement policythat is issued to an employer to cover retirees, and dental coverage,including, but not limited to, coverage provided by a nonprofit dental serviceplan as defined in subsection 27-20.1-1(3).
(d) Whenever the words "commissioner," "insurancecommissioner", "Health insurance commissioner" or "director" appear in Title 27or Title 42, those words shall be construed to mean the health insurancecommissioner established pursuant to § 42-14.5-1 with respect to allmatters relating to health insurance. The health insurance commissioner shallhave sole and exclusive jurisdiction over enforcement of those statutes withrespect to all matters relating to health insurance.