§ 42-140.1-3 Establishment of council Purposes. (a) There is hereby authorized, created and established a council to be knownas "The Rhode Island Energy Efficiency and Resources Management Council" withthe powers and duties set forth in this chapter.
(b) The purposes of this council are to:
(1) Evaluate and make recommendations, including, but notlimited to, plans and programs, with regard to the optimization of energyefficiency, energy conservation, energy resource development; and thedevelopment of a plan for least-cost procurement for Rhode Island; and
(2) Provide consistent, comprehensive, informed and publiclyaccountable stake-holder involvement in energy efficiency, energy conservation,and energy resource management; and
(3) Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of programs toachieve energy efficiency, energy conservation, and diversification of energyresources; and
(4) Promote public understanding of energy issues and of waysin which energy efficiency, energy conservation, and energy resourcediversification and management can be effectuated.