§ 42-140.1-4 Composition and appointment. (a) The council shall consist of eleven (11) members appointed by the governorwith the advice and consent of the senate; seven (7) members shall be votingnumbers, and the governor shall give due consideration to appointing personswith knowledge of: (1) energy regulation and law; (2) largecommercial/industrial users, (3) small commercial/industrial users; (4)residential users; (5) low income users; (6) environmental issues pertaining toenergy; (7) energy design and codes; and four (4) members shall be ex-officio,non-voting members, representing an electric distribution entity, a gasdistribution entity, fuel oil or heating fuel industry, and the commissioner ofthe office of energy resources. From the seven (7) voting members, the governorshall appoint one person to be chairperson of the council and one person to bevice chairperson of the council; the commissioner of the office of energyresources shall be the executive secretary and executive director of thecouncil.
(b) With the exception of the commissioner of the office ofenergy resources; of the initial appointments; three (3) members shall beappointed for a term of three (3) years, three (3) members shall be appointedfor a term of four (4) years, and four (4) members shall be appointed for aterm of five (5) years; thereafter members of the council shall be appointedfor a term of five (5) years and may be reappointed.
(c) A simple majority of the total number of voting membersshall constitute a quorum.
(d) A vacancy other than by expiration shall be filled in themanner of the original appointment but only for the unexpired portion of theterm. The appointing authority shall have the power to remove its appointee forjust cause.
(e) The members of the council shall not be compensated fortheir service but shall be reimbursed for their actual expenses necessarilyincurred in the performance of their duties. The provisions of this subdivisionshall not apply to the executive secretary/executive director.