§ 42-140.1-5 Powers and duties. The council shall have the power to:
(a) Develop and recommend for implementation plans, programsand standards for energy conservation, energy efficiency, and diversificationof energy resources.
(b) Monitor and evaluate plans and programs for energyconservation, energy efficiency and diversification of energy resources; inorder to effectuate such evaluations the council may request audits, includingperformance audits, of any program for energy conservation, energy efficiencyor diversification of energy resources, that is established pursuant to RhodeIsland law or is administered by a state agency, a request for an audit of anyprogram operative pursuant to an order or decision of the public utilitiescommission shall be made to the commission; the council may make findings andrecommendations with regard to changes, modification or continuation of anyprograms which it has authority to monitor or evaluate.
(c) Submit to the joint committee on energy an annual reporton/or before April 15 of each year, commencing in 2008, regarding theactivities of the council, its assessment of energy issues, the status ofsystem reliability, energy efficiency and conservation procurement and itsrecommendations regarding any improvements which might be necessary ordesirable.
(d) Participate in proceedings of the public utilitiescommission that pertain to the purposes of the council, including but notlimited to proceedings regarding least-cost procurement as provided for in§ 39-1-27.7.
(e) Advise electric distribution companies with regard toimplementation of least cost procurement.
(f) Advise the commission of energy resources, and recommendpolicies, standards, strategies, plans, programs, and procedures with regard tofunctions of the office of energy resources including but not limited to plans,strategies, and programs to:
(1) implement cost-effective energy conservation and energyefficiency programs;
(2) promote the development of eligible renewable energyresources for Rhode Island;
(3) foster distributed generation of electricity and demandresponse;
(4) assist low-income households in meeting energy needs;
(5) coordinate the use of funds, resources, and programs fromdiverse resources to achieve the purposes of the office.
(g) Consider such other matters as it may deem appropriate tothe fulfillment of its purposes, and may advise the governor, the generalassembly, other parties, and the public with regard to matters pertaining toits purposes and duties, which advice may include findings and recommendations.