§ 42-140-3 Purposes. The purposes of the office shall be to:
(1) Develop and put into effect plans and programs topromote, encourage, and assist the provision of energy resources for RhodeIsland in a manner that enhances economic well-being, social equity, andenvironmental quality;
(2) Monitor, forecast, and report on energy use, energyprices, and energy demand and supply forecasts, and make findings andrecommendations with regard to energy supply diversity, reliability, andprocurement, including least-cost procurement;
(3) Develop and to put into effect plans and programs topromote, encourage and assist the efficient and productive use of energyresources in Rhode Island, and to coordinate energy programs for natural gas,electricity, and heating oil to maximize the aggregate benefits of conservationand efficiency of investments;
(4) Monitor and report technological developments that mayresult in new and/or improved sources of energy supply, increased energyefficiency, and reduced environmental impacts from energy supply, transmissionand distribution;
(5) Administer the programs, duties, and responsibilitiesheretofore exercised by the state energy office, except as these may beassigned by executive order to other departments and agencies of stategovernment;
(6) Develop, recommend and, as appropriate, implementintegrated and/or comprehensive strategies, including at regional and federallevels, to secure Rhode Island's interest in energy resources, their supply andefficient use, and as necessary to interact with persons, private sector,non-profit, regional, federal entities and departments and agencies of otherstates to effectuate this purpose;
(7) Cooperate with agencies, departments, corporations, andentities of the state and of political subdivisions of the state in achievingits purposes;
(8) Cooperate with and assist the state planning council andthe division of state planning in developing, maintaining, and implementingstate guide plan elements pertaining to energy and renewable energy;
(9) Administer, as assigned by law or executive order, stateand federally funded or authorized energy programs, which may include, but notbe limited to:
(i) The federal low-income home energy assistance programwhich provides heating assistance to eligible low-income persons and any statefunded or privately funded heating assistance program of a similar natureassigned to it for administration;
(ii) The weatherization assistance program which offers homeweatherization grants and heating system upgrades to eligible persons oflow-income;
(iii) The emergency fuel program which provides oildeliveries to families experiencing a heating emergency;
(iv) The energy conservation program, which offers serviceand programs to all sectors; and
(v) [Deleted by P.L. 2008, ch. 228, § 2, and P.L.2008, ch. 422, § 2.]
(10) Advise the economic development corporation in thedevelopment of standards and rules for the solicitation and award of renewableenergy program investment funds in accordance with § 42-64-13.2;
(11) Develop, recommend, and evaluate energy programs forstate facilities and operations in order to achieve and demonstrate thebenefits of energy-efficiency, diversification of energy supplies, energyconservation, and demand management; and
(12) Advise the governor and the general assembly with regardto energy resources and all matters relevant to achieving the purposes of theoffice.