§ 42-140-4 Commissioner. (a) There shall be a commissioner of energy resources, who shall be appointedby the governor with the advice and consent of the senate. The commissionershall be the director of the office of energy resources and shall have all suchpowers, consistent with law, as are necessary and/or convenient to effectuatethe purposes of the office and administer its functions. The commissioner shallhave authority to exercise all of the powers and duties heretofore exercised bythe head of the state energy office. In the performance of the duties set forthin this paragraph, the commissioner shall consult with the energy efficiencyand resources management council established pursuant to chapter 42-140.1.
(b) The commissioner shall have authority to apply for,receive, and administer grants and funds from the federal government and allother public and private entities to accomplish the purposes of the office.
(c) All revenues collected by the office from public andprivate entities, including, but not limited to, demand side management grantsfrom public utilities, shall be deposited as restricted receipts.
(d) The commissioner shall have authority to serve asexecutive secretary of the governor's technical assistance committee,established by § 42-60-4, and shall provide such staff and technicalsupport to the technical assistance committee as the technical assistancecommittee may require, and shall have authority to carry out any dutiesassigned to the office by the governor in the event of a declaration of a stateenergy crisis as authorized under chapter 42-60 relating to energy crisismanagement.