§ 42-142-4 Division of property valuationand municipal finance. (a) There is hereby established within the department of revenue a division ofproperty valuation and municipal finance. The head of the office shall be thechief of property valuation and municipal finance.
(b) The division of property valuation and municipal financeshall have the following duties:
(i) Provide assistance and guidance to municipalities incomplying with state law;
(ii) To encourage cooperation between municipalities and thestate in calculating, evaluating and distributing state aid;
(iii) To maintain a data center of information of use tomunicipalities;
(iv) To maintain and compute financial and equalized propertyvalue information for the benefit of municipalities and public policy decisionmakers;
(v) To encourage and assure compliance with state laws andpolicies relating to municipalities especially in the areas of publicdisclosure, tax levies, financial reporting, and property tax issues;
(vi) To encourage cooperation between municipalities and thestate by distributing information and by providing technical assistance tomunicipalities;
(vii) To give guidance to public decision makers on theequitable distribution of state aid to municipalities;
(viii) To provide technical assistance for property taxadministration.