§ 42-143-1 Council established.[Chapter 06-254 Version.]. There is hereby created a Rhode Island science and technology advisory councilto consist of thirteen (13) members: three (3) of whom shall be appointed bythe governor, with two (2) of those so appointed to be designated by thegovernor as co-chairs; six (6) of whom shall be the members of the science andtechnology advisory council, as established by executive order 05-07; one ofwhom shall be appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives; one ofwhom shall be appointed by the house minority leader; and one of whom shall beappointed by the president of the senate; and one of whom shall be appointed bythe senate minority leader. The membership of said council shall receive nocompensation for their services. The council shall support the state's researchinstitutions, promote entrepreneurial development, enable all organizations tobecome more innovative, and perform any other advisory functions as thelegislature may designate.