§ 42-150-1 Commission established.[Expires pursuant to § 42-150-5]. There shall be a community college of Rhode Island twenty-first century workforce commission to consist of thirteen (13) members; three (3) of whom shallbe appointed by the governor, one of whom shall be the executive director ofthe Economic Development Corporation, and with one of those so appointed to bedesignated by the governor as chair; two (2) of whom shall be appointed by thespeaker of the house of representatives; two (2) shall be appointed by thepresident of the senate; two (2) of whom shall be appointed by the president ofthe community college of Rhode Island; one of whom shall be appointed by thechair of the board of governors for higher education; one of whom shall beappointed by the chair of the Rhode Island board of regents for elementary andsecondary education; one of whom shall be the director of the department oflabor and training; and one of whom shall be the chairperson, orvice-chairperson, of the governor's workforce development board.