§ 42-152-7 Residence requirement foradmittance to veterans' home. [Effective July 1, 2010.]. Any person who has served in the army, navy, marine corps, coast guard,merchant marines, or air force of the United States for a period of ninety (90)days or more and that period began or ended during any foreign war in which theUnited States shall have been engaged or in any expedition or campaign forwhich the United States government issues a campaign medal, and who washonorably discharged there from, and who shall be deemed to be in need of careprovided at the Rhode Island Veterans' Home, may be admitted to that facilitysubject to the rules and regulations as shall be adopted by the director ofveterans' affairs to govern the admission of applicants to the facility. Anyperson who has served in the armed forces of the United States designatedherein and otherwise qualified, who has served less than the ninety (90) dayperiod described herein, and who was honorably discharged from service, andwho, as a result of the service, acquired a service connected disability ordisease, may be admitted. No person shall be admitted to the facility unlessthe person has been accredited to the enlistment in the state or is a legalresident of the state at that time of the application for admission to thefacility.