§ 42-16.1-12 Fraud prevention unit Appointment Duties Qualifications. (a) The director of the department of labor and training shall maintain withinthe workers' compensation unit of the department of labor and training, aworkers' compensation fraud prevention unit whose members shall be in theunclassified service and whose responsibility it shall be to formulate anintegrated state plan to reduce and prevent fraud arising out of claims madepursuant to the workers' compensation laws of this state and to conductinvestigations as authorized by the director. The plan shall include a fraudprevention telephone hotline.
(b) To carry out the purposes of this section, the directoris authorized to employ any persons that may be required, including anassistant attorney general position within the department of attorney generalto assist the unit in any hearing, investigation, action or proceeding taken ordone in carrying out the purposes of this section. The director is furtherauthorized and directed to employ any investigative or other services that heor she deems reasonable and prudent to accomplish these purposes.
(c) The unit shall be funded by the workers' compensationadministrative fund established in § 28-37-1, and any other funds orbalances that the director deems appropriate.