§ 42-17.1-14 Auxiliary marine patrol Service and benefits. In the event of participation in emergency services, the members of the statemarine auxiliary patrol shall have the same immunities and privileges as applyto the regular members of the department of environmental management. Allmembers of the volunteer auxiliary marine patrol shall be compensated fordeath, disability or injury incurred while in training for or on auxiliarymarine patrol duty under the provisions as follows: (1) all medical expensesincurred as a result of those injuries shall be paid by the state; (2) deathand disability payments shall be paid in accordance with those provisionsrelating to compensation for injuries causing disability or causing death tofull time members of the department of environmental management in the courseof performance of their duties. In the computation of benefits, any member ofthe volunteer auxiliary marine patrol suffering an injury causing disability orcausing death shall be construed to have been receiving the amount of salarypaid to the lowest grade of full time members of the department ofenvironmental management at the time of injury or death.