§ 42-17.1-2.2 Regulation of tank ships andbarges in Narragansett Bay Feasibility study. The director of environmental management, in furtherance of Rhode Island'sstrong interest in protecting its extensive investment in the improvement ofwater quality in Narragansett Bay and Block Island Sound, and in consultationwith the appropriate authorities in the states of New York, Massachusetts,Connecticut and the federal government, shall study the feasibility of stateregulation of tank ships and tank barges transporting oil or petroleum liquidsin the Bay, Sound or adjacent waters and any possibility for the coordinationof interstate regulation of such vessels. Such regulation may include, but notbe limited to, requiring certain safety equipment such as a redundant workingground tackle sufficient to secure any such vessel during a storm event, anemergency response positioning beacon sufficient to continuously transmit avessel's identification and position in an emergency and fire suppressionequipment in appropriate areas of such vessels. On or before January 1, 1997,the director shall report his or her findings and recommendations to the jointcommittee of the general assembly having cognizance of matters relating to theenvironment.