§ 42-17.1-6 Advisory council onenvironmental affairs. (a) There shall be established an advisory council on environmental affairsconsisting of sixteen (16) members who shall be appointed by the governor. Itshall be the responsibility of the council to advise the governor, theenvironmental standards board and the director on matters involvingenvironmental management and natural resources. The respective chairpersons ofthe solid waste management council, the coastal resources management council,the water resources board, the joint committee on environment of the generalassembly and the chief of the statewide planning program shall be ex officiomembers.
(b) The governor shall appoint at least one member torepresent local conservation commissions, one member representing establishedenvironmental action groups within the state, one member representing huntingor sports fishing groups, one member representing the commercial fisheriesindustry, and one member representing agriculture. The remaining six (6)members shall be appointed from the general public having regard, among otherfactors, to their qualifications, experience, and interest in some one or moreaspects of natural resources and environmental management and public orenvironmental health.
(2) When this chapter shall take effect, the governor shallappoint three (3) members of the council to serve until the first day of March,1978, four (4) members to serve until the first of March, 1979, and four (4)members to serve until the first day of March, 1980, and all to serve untiltheir successors are appointed and qualified. In the month of February, 1978,and in the month of February in each year thereafter, the governor shallappoint successors to the members of the council whose terms shall expire insuch year, to hold office commencing on the first day of March in said yearsfor a two (2) year term and until their respective successors are appointed andqualified.
(3) Any vacancy which may occur in the council shall befilled by the governor for the remainder of the unexpired term.
(c) The members of the council shall meet initially at thecall of the governor and shall at their first meeting elect a chairperson, asecretary, and any other officers which they may find necessary. Thereafter,the council shall meet at least quarterly. The council shall make suggestionsto and shall advise the governor, the environmental standards board, and thedirector of the department concerning the policies, plans, and goals of thedepartment and concerning the problems of the state within the scope of thefunctions of the department and shall, at least as often as annually and notlater than January 15 of each year, make recommendations as to the policies,objectives, and programs of the department, such recommendations to besubmitted to the governor, the general assembly, and the department.
(d) The director of the department of environmentalmanagement shall provide appropriate staff and clerical support to the council.