§ 42-17.1-8 Designation and assignment offunctions. Whenever the duties of the head of any existing department, division, board,commission, or other agency or of any other officer are prescribed by law, andthe duties of such person have been or shall in the future be transferred tothe department of environmental management under this chapter, the director ofthe department of environmental management may designate some officer or othersubordinate within his or her department to perform such duties; provided,however, that any other provision of this chapter notwithstanding, thefunctions, powers and duties of the chief of the division of parks andrecreation as set forth in title 32, entitled "Parks and Recreational Areas,"as amended, in chapter 22.5 of title 23, entitled "Drowning Prevention andLifesaving," as amended, and in any other general or public law, and thefunctions, powers, and duties of the chief of the division of harbors andrivers as set forth in title 46, entitled "Waters and Navigation," as amended,and in any other general or public law, shall not be diminished; providedfurther, however, that all planning and law enforcement functions, powers,duties, and personnel shall be transferred to the divisions established by§§ 42-17.1-4(E) and 42-17.1-4(F) of this chapter.