§ 42-17.10-3 Payment without personalappearance. Any enforcement officer of the department of environmental management, thechief executive officer of any other police department citing persons forenvironmental civil violations in accordance with § 42-17.10-1, peaceofficers and other individuals authorized to enforce civil violations asstipulated in § 42-17.10-1 who charges any person with a civil violationas set forth in § 42-17.10-1 of this chapter shall, in addition to issuinga summons for the violation, provide the alleged violator with a form whichwill allow the violator to dispose of the charge without the necessity ofpersonally appearing before the traffic tribunal. Penalties assessed inaccordance with this section shall be one hundred dollars ($100) for allviolations set forth in § 42-17.10-1, except for violations of §23-22.5-9, which shall have a penalty not to exceed fifty dollars ($50.00).This section shall apply to residents and nonresidents alike.