§ 42-17.5-5 Powers and duties ofcommission. (a) The commission shall have power to:
(1) Conduct such hearings, examinations, and investigationsas may be necessary and appropriate to the conduct of its operations and thefulfillment of its responsibilities;
(2) Obtain access to public records and apply for the processof subpoena, if necessary, to produce books, papers, records, and other data;
(3) Set policies for the disbursement and repayment of loansfrom the natural heritage preservation revolving fund;
(4) Accept on behalf of the state, gifts, grants, or loans offunds, personal or real property, or services from any source, public orprivate, and comply, subject to the provisions of this chapter, with the termsand conditions thereof; and
(5) Accept, from a federal agency, loans or grants for use incarrying out its purposes and enter into agreement with the agency respectingany such loans or grants.
(b) The commission shall select from loan applicants thosewhich meet all eligibility criteria and which the commission deems to be themost worthy of financing and shall make loans to such applicants.
(c) The commission, consistent with the AdministrativeProcedures Act, chapter 35 of this title, shall:
(1) Develop criteria necessary for defining eligibility forloans;
(2) Prepare and adopt rules and regulating loan generation,disbursement, loan repayment, and mortgage covenants; and
(3) Establish procedures consistent with the purposes of thischapter to insure the long term preservation of irreplaceable open landresources and their passive recreational use by the public.