§ 42-20-16 Recycling plans. (a) All state departments and agencies shall present a recycling plan to thedepartment of environmental management by June 30, 1991. The plan will followprocedures and methods as prescribed by the current rules and regulationsgoverning the commercial solid waste recycling plan.
(b) The department of mental health, retardation, andhospitals and the department of corrections shall also provide, within the plandescribed in subsection (a), an evaluation of the cost, health, and safetyimplications of using reusable food service utensils, plates, and cups asalternatives to using disposable food service products.
(c) The department of mental health, retardation, andhospitals and the department of corrections shall, in addition, provide anassessment of implementing a pilot program to recycle polystyrene food serviceproducts as a recycling alternative.