§ 42-24-2 Duties of commission. It shall be the duty of the commission on uniform state laws to examine thesubjects of marriage and divorce, insolvency, the form of notarialcertificates, the descent and distribution of property, acknowledgment ofdeeds, the execution and probate of wills, bills of lading, the conservation ofnatural resources, the regulation and increase of fish and game, the protectionof agriculture, horticulture, and forests, the bringing of the social andcommercial laws of the various states of the United States, and especially ofthe New England states, into more perfect accord, and other subjects upon whichuniformity is desirable; to confer upon these matters with the commissionersappointed for the same purpose by any other states or with any department orofficial of the United States; to consider and draft uniform laws to besubmitted for approval and adoption to the several states, and generally todevise and recommend from time to time such other or further course of actionas shall best accomplish the purposes of this section and chapter.