§ 42-26-19 After school alternativeprogram Legislative intent. The legislature hereby finds and declares the following:
(1) There is a greater threat to public safety resulting fromgang and drug-related activity in and near Rhode Island's inner cities.
(2) Young people, especially at-risk youth, are morevulnerable to gang and drug-related activity during the potentiallyunsupervised hours between the end of school and the time their parents orguardians return home from work.
(3) Without local prevention and treatment efforts, harddrugs will continue to threaten and destroy families and communities in andnear the inner cities. Drug-related violence may then escalate dramatically inevery community, and thereby burden the criminal justice system to the pointthat it cannot function effectively.
(4) It is the intent of the legislature that a pilot program,the "After School Alternative Program" (ASAP), be established and implementedwithin a specified Rhode Island community. This community program would utilizethe public schools, businesses, and community facilities to provide supportiveprograms and activities to young people during the time between the end ofschool and the return home of their parents or guardians (from approximately 2p.m. to 7 p.m.).