§ 42-26-19.1 After school alternativeprogram Purpose Duration. (a) There is hereby created within the Rhode Island justice commission, a pilotprogram known as the "after school alternative program" (ASAP). Theestablishment of the pilot program pursuant to this section shall be contingentupon the availability and receipt of federal and/or private funding for thispurpose. The goal of the pilot program shall be to reduce gang activity anddrug-related crime in and near the targeted schools, businesses, and communitysites. This shall be accomplished by coordinating the efforts ofcommunity-based organizations, public schools, law enforcement officials,parents, and business leaders in participating communities to prevent theillicit activities of current and potential gang members and drug users bymaking alternative activities available. These activities may be provided atschool or community sites, and may include:
(1) Recreational, arts, crafts, computer or academic tutorialprograms.
(2) Job counseling and training, with the participation ofcommunity business representatives.
(3) Presentations by law enforcement officials, and informalget-togethers.
(4) Group and individual (as needed) drug and/or gangcounseling.
(5) Community awareness presentations.
(b) A Rhode Island community may elect to participate in thepilot project established pursuant to subsection (a) by establishing an ASAPprogram. The community may be any designated area that contains up to two (2)public high schools and feeder schools, as well as active business enterprisesand a viable local community-based organization.
(c) The community shall submit its program to the gangviolence prevention advisory committee for review. The committee upon receiptof all programs from applying communities shall select one project to receivefunding. The project selected shall receive funding for one calendar year fromthe date of selection. All rules and regulations for application, review andaward shall be promulgated by the committee.
(d) This section shall remain operative only until June 30,2000 and is repealed on that date unless a later enacted statute extends thatdate.