§ 42-26-4 Powers and duties. The public safety grant administration office shall have the following powersand duties:
(1) Serve as the state planning agency for administration offederal criminal justice related grant programs including, but not limited to,the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of 1974, as amended;
(2) Advise and assist the governor and the director of publicsafety in developing policies, plans, programs, and budgets for improving thecoordination, administration and effectiveness of the criminal justice systemin the state;
(3) Prepare a state comprehensive criminal justice plan onbehalf of the governor and the director of public safety. The plan, and anysubstantial modifications thereto, shall be submitted to the legislature forits advisory review of the goals, priorities and policies contained therein.The plan, to be periodically updated, shall be based on an analysis of thestate's criminal justice needs and problems and shall be in conformance withstate and other appropriate regulations;
(4) Establish goals, priorities, and standards for thereduction of crime and the improvement of the administration of justice in thestate;
(5) Recommend legislation to the governor and legislature inthe criminal justice field;
(6) Encourage local comprehensive criminal justice planningefforts;
(7) Monitor and evaluate programs and projects, funded inwhole or in part by the state government, aimed at reducing crime anddelinquency and improving the administration of justice;
(8) Cooperate with and render technical assistance to stateagencies and units of general local government, and public or private agenciesrelating to the criminal justice system;
(9) Apply for, contract for, receive, and expend for itspurposes any appropriations or grants from the state, its politicalsubdivisions, the federal government, or any other source, public or private,in accordance with the appropriations process;
(10) Have the authority to collect from the department ofcorrections and any state or local government departments and agencies, suchpublic information, data, reports, statistics, or other material which isnecessary to carry out the functions of the public safety grant administrationoffice; and to collect from non-profit organizations which receive state orfederal funds all information necessary to carry out the commission's functions;
(11) Disseminate to state agencies, units of localgovernment, public or private agencies, and others, information such ascriminal justice program advancements, research results, training events, andavailability of funds;
(12) Review, no less often than annually, the administration,operation programs and activities of correctional services in the stateincluding input from the general public and other interested persons; conductsuch other reviews and studies in conjunction with the department ofcorrections as may be appropriate; and report findings and recommendations tothe governor;
(13) Perform other duties which may be necessary to carry outthe purposes of this chapter.