§ 42-28.1-5 Eligible expenses. (a) Upon presentation of evidence of successful completion of any course orcourses as mentioned in § 42-28.1-4 to the chief of the department inwhich any police officer is a member, then the respective town or city in whichthe officer is employed shall reimburse him or her all his or her eligibleexpenses incurred by taking the courses within a period of ninety (90) daysfrom the submission. For the purposes of this section, the words "eligibleexpenses" shall include the cost of tuition, books, and supplies but shall notinclude any expenses related to courses in a program leading to a Bachelor ofLaws (LLB) or a Juris Doctor (JD) degree.
(b) Any city or town may enter into an agreement with anypolice officer upon acceptance to law school while in the employ of said cityor town.
Said agreement may require the police officer to remainemployed one month for each month the officer received reimbursement for lawschool.
Failure to meet said employment shall mandate the officerreimburse the city or town the full amount paid by the city or town for lawschool.